Govt refuses disbursement of Rs47b funds to ECP for early elections

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar made another move to obstruct the early elections, ECC stopped disbursement of funds to ECP for 2023 general polls

The federal government started putting obstacles in the early elections in the country. The federal government refused to release Rs47 billion to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) for early elections.

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar made a new move to obstruct the organisation of early elections. The Economic Coordination Committee chaired by Finance Minister Ishaq Dar refused to provide the necessary funds to the ECP this financial year.

Powerful circles told News360 that the federal government started obstructing the early elections and this was proved when the ECP asked for a grant of Rs47 billion from the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC).

However, only Rs15 billion of funds were approved while only 5 billion will be released immediately and the remaining 10 billion rupees will be released later.

ecc, ecp, early elections

Sources told News360 that the ECC has raised an objection that if the Election Commission is not going to hold general elections this financial year then there will be no need to issue funds.

The officials of the Election Commission are of the opinion that they will be able to prepare better for the elections if the government ensures the timely issuance of funds this year

The ECP officials were told that funds will be issued in the next fiscal year for the general election. The committee only approved Rs15 billion, but only 5 billion will be received immediately.

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