Nawaz Sharif ‘Tried Everything’ to Please Modi: Ex-Diplomat
He did not utter a single thing about Kashmir let alone meeting Hurriyat leaders while he was in New Delhi to attend Modi’s inauguration in 2015
The tremorous interview of Pakistan’s ex-emissary to India, Abdul Basit, vindicated PTI’s stance about Nawaz Sharif’s indulgence with Modi government as he claimed that ex-prime minister went beyond stature to please Indian counterpart.
In an interview with The Wire, Pakistan’s former High Commissioner (HC) to India, Abdul Basit, revealed the appeasing approach of ex-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for India during his regime.
The former diplomat said that Nawaz Sharif’s foreign affairs’ caretakers including Sartaj Aziz and Tariq Fatemi had apologetic mindsets and they tried to placate Modi as quickly at the behest of Nawaz Sharif.
Basit accused that both officials even overlooked Pakistan’s interests in a bid to appease Indian counterpart.
The former diplomat accused that Sajjan Jindal, an Indian business tycoon, was a secret messenger between Modi and Nawaz even on sensitive matters.
The former high commissioner said while attending Modi’s inauguration in Delhi in 2015, Nawaz Sharif did not utter a single thing about Kashmir let alone meeting Hurriyat leaders.
Abdul Basit said Pakistan’s stance of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir was compromised by the former prime minister.
“The former PM thought that by making unilateral concessions to Modi he would get concessions in return but that did not happen”, Basit told The Wire.
He also claimed that Nawaz Sharif had an emotional attachment to India which often outdid his stature as a prime minister.
Basit said he would often feel like an outsider as Pakistan’s government kept him at bay on multiple occasions and would conduct messages to India through its high commissioner in Pakistan instead of him.
Meanwhile, the ruling PTI had always taken strong exception against Nawaz Sharif’s gratifying attitude towards India and accused that national interests were compromised over personal interests.
The incumbent Prime Minister Imran Khan had been vocal about Modi regime’s atrocities in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and dominating Hindutva ideology.
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