Disclosures of Muhammad Khan Bhatti: New conspiracy against judiciary is ready
In leaked video of former Chief Minister Punjab's principal secretary, conversation about management of judges of Supreme Court and Lahore High Court can be clearly heard
Video of former Chief Minister Punjab Chaudhry Parvez Elahi’s ex-Principal Secretary Muhammad Khan Bhatti’s revealing conversation has come to light. In which he is talking about the judiciary and talking about managing the judges. Analysts say that this planted video was made with the sole purpose of defaming the judiciary.
Video script
Question: Friend, all the decisions from the courts are coming in favor of PTI. How is it going? Who is doing it?
Mohammad Khan Bhatti: Look at the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Umar Atta Bandial is known as Naming, can this be said about him? He is accompanied by two judges. Munib Akhtar Sahib and Ejaz Ul Hasan Sahib. Justice Mazahar Ali Naqvi has fulfilled his responsibility. The background of Mazahir Ali Naqvi is that he has two sons. Both are their frontmen. They are guilty of all wrongdoing. They do corruption, they do corruption by waiting. They do corruption from morning till night. So PTI and Chaudhry also say about them that they “look after” us in the courts. They give decisions in our favor. So their work should not be stopped. They transfer, posting every work. I make money and make good money.
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محمد خان بھٹی اور انکشافات pic.twitter.com/2uFnHU0QfE— HACKER BOY 111222®️ (@HackerBoy111222) March 21, 2023
Question: How is the Lahore High Court being managed?
Muhammad Khan Bhatti: See Lahore High Court, he also took this responsibility. But Ali Afzal Sahi came in the middle, Ali Afzal Sahi said that I will manage all this. Ali Afzal Sahi spoke to the Chief Justice and said that I have made the bench. No judgment should come against PTI. Not a single decision will come against PTI. So that Chief Justice has also been taking advantage of it. Fine tuning benefits. They have been getting benefits at the behest of PTI. They have also been getting all their work out. And for his son-in-law, he has also taken ten fifteen billion project paper projects. So
Question: Which projects?
Muhammad Khan Bhatti: Paper Project.
Question: What is it?
Mohammad Khan Bhatti: It is half done. The rest is an eat and drink program. It goes in the pockets.
Question: Good. So there are other people in the Lahore High Court, do you know anyone?
Muhammad Khan Bhatti: There are also personal connections in the Lahore High Court. It means Justice Shahid Karim. He has a personal relationship with them. Justice is Shahid Jameel. He also has a personal relationship with them. Justice Farooq Haider. He also has a personal relationship with them.
Question: What type?
Mohammad Khan Bhatti: He had an old relationship with him since he was a lawyer. And my child has also been studying with their children.