Bubble Rules PSL Participants Have to Follow in Abu Dhabi

The franchise has arranged 3 bubbles and each of them will separate the support staff from players and other members

Ahead of the remaining matches of PSL 6 in Abu Dhabi, the franchise has set up a bio-secure bubble and all participants are obliged to follow the rules and set protocols.

Around 270 members including local and overseas players, support staff, production crew, and PCB officials are observing quarantine in UAE.

Considering the situation of previous 14 matches played in Karachi, the franchise has taken extra precautionary measures for remaining 20 matches that are relocated in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

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For stringent application of protocols, a UK-based safety, and technology company has set up a bio-secure bubble for the players. However, its operating procedures are pretty much different in the Abu Dhabi leg as compared to Karachi.

Interestingly, the participants arriving from Pakistan have to undergo a week-long quarantine whereas the participants from India and South Africa are bound to observe a 10-day isolation period.

How many bio-secure bubbles are available?

The franchise has arranged 3 bio-secure environments in Abu Dhabi and each bubble will separate the support staff, players and other officials part of the league.

Bubble A is for players, support staff, match officials, hotel staff, and PCB officials.

Moreover, Bubble B is at a different hotel where broadcast production crew and key event management people will be entertained whereas Bubble C is dedicated to the ground staff.

Karachi Leg vs. Abu Dhabi Leg

In contrast to Karachi leg where all six teams along with their families were staying at one hotel, the situation is different in Abu Dhabi.

The players aren’t with their families this time and the teams will be accommodated on different floors and limited cross interaction between the occupants will also be ensured.

Moreover, the tracking devices will be fused with each member in the bubble and it is designed in a way that it will track movements within the premises and trigger a beep when an individual trespasses.

Rules League Abu Dhabi Bubble
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The participant is required to wear it throughout except during swimming, training, and while in a game.

Before joining the bubble, all participants were supposed to return covid-19 negative thrice within a week and there was no exception for an individual, even vaccinated or recovered.

Moreover, daily temperature and symptom screening will be conducted throughout the season while players are in the bio-secure bubble.

Now, in case of testing positive or displaying symptoms, the individual will be isolated from the squad for 10 days on a different floor.

The infected person will only be allowed to re-enter the bubble if the test returns negative on 9th or 10th day in quarantine.

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