Angela Merkel Leaves Footprint of Great Leadership

The head of the biggest EU economy lives in an apartment similar to those own by citizens, with no house help

The longest-serving amongst current EU leaders, Angela Merkel, leaves her office and Germany bid farewell to its leader with zeal and honor.

A German citizen penned down a long post, taking quotes from an article, in honor of the vice-chancellor.

Alvin Foo maintained that Germany said goodbye to its leader, physicist, and quantum chemist, Angela Merkel.

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“They came out on their balconies and clapped for 6 minutes, a standing ovation across the country. She leaves and her loved ones claim no benefits”.

He added that the lady was not into fashion, real estate, cars, yachts or private jets.

He wrote that in her 16 years of power, Angela Markel didn’t appoint any of her relatives to a state position.

As per details shared by Alvin, once she was asked about her wardrobe to which she replied, “I am a civil servant, not a model”.

Not only this, when she was asked about a housemaid, Angela responded that she has no servants nor does she need them.

“I’m fixing the clothes and my husband is the one who runs the washing machine”, she replied to another journalist.

The Twitter user revealed that Angela Merkel lives in an apartment similar to the ones own by normal citizens.

“She does not own a single villa, houses, pools, gardens”, he added.

The user ended the thread with admiration for the leader that she will remain a great example of leadership driven by values, selfless principles, facts, and empathy.

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