“Plenty of Ways & Places & Times in Canada to be Unsafe”
As per an article, Canada is a complicated country like all of the countries from which it is built unlike the Canada of its citizens’ fantasies
After the killing of 4 members of a Pakistani-origin Muslim family in Canada, an article that was published in The National News opinion section written by Sulaiman Hakemy asserts that Canada is no more a shielded place and is unsafe in many ways for citizens.
The writer believed that in Canada the citizens miss mental safety the most and maintained that there are plenty of ways and places and times in Canada to be unsafe in your own way.
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“It’s the mental safety: the prototypically Canadian sensibility in a world of bad news that, actually, you are at home and everything is fine”, the article read.
While discussing the incident, Sulaiman wrote that the accused killed the family as they were foreign to each other in many ways.
He opined that the national issue of Canada is that the people are foreign to each other from the beginning and the country is like a mosaic, unlike United States (US) that proudly calls itself a melting pot.
The writer maintained, “It’s a stream of messaging that papers over everything – the fact that one-third of young black Canadians in Ontario are born in poverty; the fact that Arab Canadians have double-the-average unemployment and below-average wages; the fact that native Canadians are treated perhaps even worse than those of us who just arrived”.
As per the article, Canada is a complicated country like all of the countries from which it is built unlike the Canada of its citizens’ fantasies.
It also stated that the citizens of Canada are born everywhere who love to join the country unknowingly that the society is nice but mostly white.
“They will be foreign to some degree, and that carries a price that cannot be papered over”, he added.
The nine-year-old boy who left with injuries paid the price of growing up in a foreign country and will sit in grade 10 civics class and will learn about the mosaic country, the article holds.