Coronavirus Resurrecting in Pakistan After Strictures’ Lift
After almost a year, the businessmen grinned broader, the silent classrooms once again echoed with voices of students and celebrations, they were about to be full-fledged again
As the nation yearned for a snapback and Pakistan became one of the few countries in the world to go back to normal, the prowling coronavirus is resurrecting as it started hunting vulnerable with more than 75 fatalities reported on Wednesday, the highest after three months.
It took the total fatalities to cross the 13,000 mark.
The last time when deaths were reported over 70 was ten days before the end of the preceding year. The fatalities reported on Dec 21, 2020 were 78.
However, it miraculously started to drop even though the daily infections maintained the streak.
But hoping for recovery with dim-hopes, the country experienced a significant drop in the daily tally of infections as if all strategies worked.
National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC), the nerve-center for overseeing and managing coronavirus-related operations, announced to lift all strictures until mid-March that had been in place for almost a year, to curtail the virus, after the threat abated.
After almost a year, the businessmen grinned broader, the silent classrooms once again echoed with voices of students and celebrations, they were about to be full-fledged again.
But, it is now turning out to be abysmal as ever since the decision was made. There is a spike in cases and more alarming is soaring fatalities.
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As a repercussion, Pakistan Super League (PSL) 6 has been postponed indefinitely and the nation anxiously awaits what’s next.
Is it going to be a retracement from lifting restrictions or embarking on a journey of complete or partial lockdowns?
Everyone has started to vacillate and certainly the developments, with the postponement of PSL 6, have raised doubts and fears on what the future would be after coronavirus is resurrecting in Pakistan.
Further, while talking to News360, Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Dr Hussain Ahmed Haroon said that the government was itself perplexed on the future course as it was not taking crazy decisions. He criticized the lifting of restrictions by NCOC.
Dr Haroon said ever since the government allowed spectators in PSL 6 matches, the coronavirus cases spiked.
“We were against reopening unless elimination of the virus but the government did not listen”, PMA official told News360.
He added that the rate of infection had dropped when standard operating procedures (SOPs) were being followed.