Muhammad Ali Was an Artist Too, Paintings Out For Auction

The 24-piece collection of his sketches include some cartoon-style paintings

A very few are aware of the fact that the legendary boxer Muhammad Ali had a keen interest in sketching and making paintings too which are now all set for an auction in New York.

The 24-piece collection of his artwork includes some cartoon-style paintings.

As the word goes, Muhammad Ali loved to sketch after a fight or training to unwind himself.

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The collection includes a painting ‘Sting Like a Bee’ that was made by Ali in 1978 during the filming of his series ‘Freedom Road’.

Not only this, one of the paintings by Muhammad Ali is devoted to Islam as the heavyweight champion reverted to the religion in 1964 when he was at the peak of his career.

A few of the paintings are related to boxing and his passion.

His work also includes ‘America: The Big Jail’ and ‘War in America’.

The legendary boxer died in 2016 after a long battle with Parkinson’s disease.

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