Scoring 100: #KFCFeelGood Moments Boom on Twitter

The restaurant has expanded its business to more than 100 branches in 32 cities and Pakistanis are huge fans of KFC burgers and fried chicken

Celebrating the momentous milestone of establishing 100 restaurants, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Pakistan started an online campaign titled #KFCFeelGood on Twitter and internet users couldn’t resist sharing their moments for the renowned fast-food chain.

The restaurant has expanded its business to more than 100 branches across 32 cities and Pakistanis are huge fans of KFC burgers and fried chicken.

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Previously, KFC placed a huge billboard above McDonald’s as both seemingly joined hands to kick off a contrasting branding campaign.

This time, #KFCFeelGood is trending on Twitter and people have precious memories attached to it as they have for Biryani.


The latest KFC commercial has been brilliantly designed to celebrate youth as it summarizes the entire mood of Pakistanis when it comes to food cravings.

While a few internet users were seen making fun of the campaign, the rest expressed their moments with #KFCFeelsGood.

A Twitter user, Faizan, shared a photo of a KFC employee resembling the famous footballer Messi.

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